A TextFieldStyle API preview!
Recently we've covered four different ways to customize TextField
ideally we wouldn't have to choose, as SwiftUI's official way to customize components is by using and creating associated styles.
While TextFieldStyle
's requirements are not public yet, we can take a sneak peek under the hood and guess at how an official API might look like: in this article, let's do just that!
This article's code works, however please do consider it experimental and do not use it in production. As always, I have no insights on what the SwiftUI team is working on. This is entirely speculation with no inside knowledge.
Here's the current internal TextFieldStye
declaration (as of Xcode 12.5):
public protocol TextFieldStyle {
associatedtype _Body: View
@ViewBuilder func _body(configuration: TextField<Self._Label>) -> Self._Body
typealias _Label = _TextFieldStyleLabel
Beside a small difference in the typealias
this declaration closely follows all other public styles.
As a reminder/comparison here are the public style requirements for Button
and Label
public protocol ButtonStyle {
associatedtype Body: View
@ViewBuilder func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> Self.Body
typealias Configuration = ButtonStyleConfiguration
public protocol LabelStyle {
associatedtype Body: View
func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> Self.Body
typealias Configuration = LabelStyleConfiguration
We have dedicated articles to both styles in Exploring SwiftUI's Button styles and Label.
All these requirements come with a configuration, which dictates what we can achieve on the associated style. Let's have a look at that next.
The current TextFieldStyle
configuration is a TextField
instance, TextField<Self._Label>
@ViewBuilder func _body(configuration: TextField<Self._Label>) -> Self._Body
It might be surprising that TextField
has an associated generic type, if we look at the official declaration, we see that this is indeed true, however as of today, TextField
only exposes init methods where Label == Text
public struct TextField<Label: View>: View {
public var body: some View { get }
public typealias Body = some View
extension TextField where Label == Text {
public init(
_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey,
text: Binding<String>,
onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in },
onCommit: @escaping () -> Void = {}
represents the placeholder view: we will probably have more flexibility once SwiftUI drops UITextField
and have its own independent implementation.
Using the same technique from Inspecting SwiftUI views, we can see what kind of details a TextFieldStyle
configuration has:
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text = "FIVE STARS"
var body: some View {
"type something...",
text: $text
struct InspectStyle: TextFieldStyle {
func _body(configuration: TextField<_Label>) -> some View {
let _ = print(configuration)
returns the configuration as is, just after letting us take a peek to what it looks like:
text: Binding<String>,
isSecure: Bool,
label: _TextFieldStyleLabel,
onEditingChanged: (Bool) -> (),
onCommit: () -> (),
updatesContinuously: Bool,
uncommittedText: State<Optional<String>>
Formatted and simplified for clarity's sake.
Most of what we see is expected, with a few exceptions:
, andonCommit
are the same parameters we pass toTextField
tells us whether we're applying our style to aTextField
or aSecureField
is our placeholder viewupdatesContinuously
are implementation details (if you have any information on these, please let me know!)
is very interesting:
currently, if we'd like to swap between TextField
and a SecureField
, we'd need to replace the field with its counterpart. However, adding/replacing/removing views is frowned upon since it's one of the easiest ways to drop performance in SwiftUI.
Hopefully SecureField
will get deprecated, and this isSecure
property will be exposed as part of the TextField
initializers instead (FB8947595).
Playing with TextFieldStyle's Configuration
Now that we've seen how the configuration looks like, we can use it as we please.
What about creating a style that adds a clear button?
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text = "FIVE STARS"
var body: some View {
"type something...",
text: $text
struct ClearStyle: TextFieldStyle {
func _body(configuration: TextField<_Label>) -> some View {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: configuration)
let text: Binding<String> = mirror.descendant("_text") as! Binding<String>
Button { text.wrappedValue = "" } label: { Image(systemName: "clear") }
alignment: .trailing

Or maybe we'd like to have different visuals based on whether our text fields requirements are met:
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text = "FIVE STARS"
var body: some View {
"type something...",
text: $text
struct RequirementStyle: TextFieldStyle {
func _body(configuration: TextField<_Label>) -> some View {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: configuration)
let text: String = mirror.descendant("_text", "_value") as! String
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16)
.strokeBorder(text.count > 3 ? Color.green : Color.red)

We can also be mischievous and call onEditingChanged
or onCommit
at will:
struct DeceiveStyle: TextFieldStyle {
func _body(configuration: TextField<_Label>) -> some View {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: configuration)
let onCommit: () -> Void = mirror.descendant("onCommit") as! () -> Void
VStack {
Button("Trigger onCommit event", action: onCommit)
A limitation of this approach is that we can't subscribe our style to the onEditingChanged
or onCommit
events. This will probably be possible once the official APIs are public, maybe with a new TextField
initializer accepting a TextFieldConfiguration
along with two optional onEditingChanged
or onCommit
A preview
So far we've played with our knowledge from InspectStyle
and reached for each property by using Swift's Mirror
: this works great.
Still, it's cumbersome to do so for every style we might define, instead, let's recreate a new TextFieldStyle
that makes it easy to access all these properties.
First let's define our own configuration (we use P
as suffix for "preview"):
struct TextFieldStyleConfigurationP<Label: View> {
/// The text to display and edit.
@Binding var text: String
/// Whether the text should be private (visible) or not.
let isSecure: Bool
/// A type-erased TextField.
let label: Label
/// The placeholder view.
let placeholder: _TextFieldStyleLabel
/// The action to perform when the user begins editing
/// `text` and after the user finishes editing `text`.
let onEditingChanged: (Bool) -> Void
/// The action to perform when the user hit the return key.
let onCommit: () -> Void
/// (???)
let updatesContinuously: Bool
/// (???)
@State var uncommittedText: String?
Then our style:
protocol TextFieldStyleP {
associatedtype Body: View
typealias _Label = TextField<_TextFieldStyleLabel>
@ViewBuilder func makeBody(configuration: TextFieldStyleConfigurationP<_Label>) -> Self.Body
At this point we need to bridge SwiftUI's text styles with our new one. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we can piggyback on SwiftUI's TextFieldStyle
with the following PreviewBridgeStyle
struct PreviewBridgeStyle<Style: TextFieldStyleP>: TextFieldStyle {
let style: Style
func _body(configuration: TextField<_Label>) -> some View {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: configuration)
let text: Binding<String> = mirror.descendant("_text") as! Binding<String>
let isSecure: Bool = mirror.descendant("isSecure") as! Bool
let label: _TextFieldStyleLabel = mirror.descendant("label") as! _TextFieldStyleLabel
let onEditingChanged: (Bool) -> Void = mirror.descendant("onEditingChanged") as! (Bool) -> Void
let onCommit: () -> Void = mirror.descendant("onCommit") as! () -> Void
let updatesContinuously: Bool = mirror.descendant("updatesContinuously") as! Bool
let uncommittedText: State<String?> = mirror.descendant("_uncommittedText") as! State<String?>
let textStyleConfiguration = TextFieldStyleConfigurationP(
text: text,
isSecure: isSecure,
label: configuration,
placeholder: label,
onEditingChanged: onEditingChanged,
onCommit: onCommit,
updatesContinuously: updatesContinuously,
uncommittedText: uncommittedText.wrappedValue
style.makeBody(configuration: textStyleConfiguration)
is a TextFieldStyle
that extracts our TextFieldStyleConfigurationP
and passes it to our TextFieldStyleP
Lastly we define the following View
extension View {
func textFieldStyleP<S: TextFieldStyleP>(_ style: S) -> some View {
textFieldStyle(PreviewBridgeStyle(style: style))
Which will do the transformation for us. From now on, we can define our styles with all the data immediately available.
Here's the ClearStyle
again with this new approach:
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text = "FIVE STARS"
var body: some View {
"type something...",
text: $text
// note the P suffixes
struct ClearStyleP: TextFieldStyleP {
func makeBody(configuration: TextFieldStyleConfigurationP<_Label>) -> some View {
Button { configuration.text = "" } label: { Image(systemName: "clear") }
alignment: .trailing

And here's the RequirementStyle
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text = "FIVE STARS"
var body: some View {
"type something...",
text: $text
struct RequirementStyleP: TextFieldStyleP {
func makeBody(configuration: TextFieldStyleConfigurationP<_Label>) -> some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16)
.strokeBorder(configuration.text.count > 3 ? Color.green : Color.red)

In about one month (WWDC21!), we might get a similar official API:
it might be possible to use the approach above for retro compatibility (hopefully with just minor changes).
In this article we've explored what the future of TextField
(and SecureField
) might look like:
there are big expectations around this component for this year's WWDC, especially on aspects such as first responder control (FB9081556), June can't come soon enough!
What else are you looking forward to at WWDC21? Please let me know via twitter or email.